The quality of your joy cannot exceed the purity of your thoughts.
This weekend my german came to visit! We've had some less than ideal weather but we are making the most of it. At least we had nice blue skies the day we went up to the outlook.
We got to take some pretty fun pictures;
eat some great paella;
and just enjoy each others company.
We've had lots of time to share stories, things we have learned over the last two years, quotes, and music. She shared the quote up there with me and I just love it.
I have been struggling lately in purity of thought toward others- a battle that comes and goes in my life. Pride, no doubt, is a particular area of struggle. When I do well in something, I struggle with feelings of superiority. When I am doing poorly, I struggle with jealousy and envy. And yet the Lord calls me to:
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians
Then the scripture goes on to describe Jesus as the model for this, humbling himself and becoming obedient to the point of death-even death on a cross.
Sometimes I just don't understand that humility.
Oh wait, all the time...
I was reading something (right now I can't remember which book or article, so don't come after me for plagiarism) and this struck me:
What if Jesus, to drink the cup of celebration at his wedding, first had to drink the cup of his fathers wrath to atone for his bride?
That gets me. In fact, I think when I came across it I cried a little. Christ endured wrath to make me his bride. And that is true for all believers, so who am I to consider myself superior or to dwell in jealousy? Christ is the highest good I can have.
Higher than a high gpa.
Higher than fluency in Spanish.
Higher, even, than being in a relationship.
Having him, specifically through the Bible, has been so good. It's like going to a new place with an old friend. He and the Psalms have been a familiar comfort in many seasons of my life, so it only goes that now I can rest in Him even though sometimes I feel complete unrest.
It's like the oak tree in Jeremiah 17:7 that, though a year of heat comes, is able to remain green. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the streams, and does not fear when heat comes...
It is, sort of, like having Hanna here. We have known each other now for around four and a half years, and yet it feels so much longer than that because we were so close the year she stayed in the U.S.-sharing a room, and pretty much everything else. The familiarity of an old friend in a new place is priceless.
My first semester at college- when I was less than happy to be away from home- I ran into an old friend. We weren't super close over the years, and it wasn't a big deal to run into each other. Yet, I can still fully recall the peace that I felt at just seeing and talking to someone who was familiar.
So anyway, this time has been so encouraging. I didn't fully realize how blessed I was that sophomore year of high school to have a sister who I could bounce ideas around with, pray with, journal with, take weird photos with, etc.
And it was SO neat to have my past host sister meet my present host family. We went out to the restaurant where my host brother works and again they pushed a great deal of food on us. Not quite the 12 tapas that came my way last time, but lots and lots of food. It's like this Spanish generosity thing.
Also during the conversation I found out I ate rabbit last week in something my host mom cooked for me. She laughed and laughed when I realized that, totally amused that I had been ignorant until now. Tonight we'll be going to my host home because she offered to make us dinner.
But that means that at some point I have to get up from this cozy couch and make my way to my (second) home. I am so blessed.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
Psalms 16