- My best friend, Anna
This quote seems aplicable to just about every change of life but, since she wrote it about time abroad, I found it particularly appropriate.
And it's not that I'm planning on having a next time in Granada per say.
It's just interesting to think that any time in life is final even if 'it's not'. The Lord calls us to look on to the new things he is doing, to not dwell on the former things. (Isaiah 43)
So my time is coming to an end here. Next Friday (what!?) my parents and brother land in Spain and only a short time later I will be bound for America.
But I must say these last weeks have been great.
One of my professors told me he has a dragon tattoo on his back with wings down his arms and (in the cutest little Spanish accent) drawgeen bebies. I haven't laughed that much since my host mom tried to imitate English.
After a final on Wednesday, it being the last time we'd see each other, another professor said 'cuidate mucho'. That means take care of yourself but it also has the feeling of 'be careful out there'.
Speaking of finals, this has been quite the week. Never have I had to prepare for five exams at once. But it's also pretty fun, because there are awesome places to study here. A friend and I hiked up to an outlook of the city that is on a peninsula like part of the hill, so you could see all around-mountains, city, la Alhambra. And we got to watch the sun set up there too.
Also I had another type of 'final'. I had a concert with the community choir. Some of my friends in the choir (older people) were telling me I should stay in Spain, and that I could rotate between their houses every six months. And that if I don't like ham they'll give me lettuce. I don't know if that's a phrase or if they somehow knew I don't love the ham here.
I didn't really realize that concert was goodbye. Afterward they were all coming up to me and asking if I loved the choir and telling me not to leave and giving me the double cheek kiss and... man, I'm going to miss that little community. They want to come to Pennseelvaneea to do an 'intercambio' and sing with my choir.
It's pretty hard to be excited to see my real parents when my host parents are sad to see me go and point out that I'm ready to leave. Well, I am.
I think one more week here, enjoying the city on my own, is just enough time.
Also, one last thing. My host dad and my host uncle were explaining *to my* why *I* don't like fish. It's because you're not accustomed to it...it's because in your country there are more bison and buffalo and you don't really eat fish.
Hmm, yeah. So I guess when I get back I'll have to eat some bison. I guess I did have one bison burger once.. Okay back to studying.
Also this has been my pump up studying song for anyone who needs it.
Light After Darkness, Kings Kaleidoscope
Also I had another type of 'final'. I had a concert with the community choir. Some of my friends in the choir (older people) were telling me I should stay in Spain, and that I could rotate between their houses every six months. And that if I don't like ham they'll give me lettuce. I don't know if that's a phrase or if they somehow knew I don't love the ham here.
I didn't really realize that concert was goodbye. Afterward they were all coming up to me and asking if I loved the choir and telling me not to leave and giving me the double cheek kiss and... man, I'm going to miss that little community. They want to come to Pennseelvaneea to do an 'intercambio' and sing with my choir.
It's pretty hard to be excited to see my real parents when my host parents are sad to see me go and point out that I'm ready to leave. Well, I am.
I think one more week here, enjoying the city on my own, is just enough time.
Also, one last thing. My host dad and my host uncle were explaining *to my* why *I* don't like fish. It's because you're not accustomed to it...it's because in your country there are more bison and buffalo and you don't really eat fish.
Hmm, yeah. So I guess when I get back I'll have to eat some bison. I guess I did have one bison burger once.. Okay back to studying.
Also this has been my pump up studying song for anyone who needs it.
Light After Darkness, Kings Kaleidoscope
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