Thursday, March 3, 2016

Failing in the right direction

We keep failing in the right direction until the Lord calls us home.
-DiscipleMakers Core Values

Yeah I just quoted an organizations core values. Ha! I feel like such a business student. 

Even though I'm taking 0 business courses this semester.

Well, anyway. I was reading through those core values when I decided to accept an internship with them this summer, and this line struck me hard. 

I think at first my thoughts were something like: failing? Failing in the right direction? hmm mph...come on I'm not failing in anything.

Then I was humbled, again. I feel like that's a common theme for the last couple years for me: humility. I was forced to think about how I fail every day in giving the Lord the glory He deserves.

So today I was reminded of this quote when I had this great revelation. I had been stressing over a class I am currently taking at the University of Granada. Just to let you in on what that feels like: imagine a professor with a think Andalusian accent (doesn't pronounce "s" or "d" all that often), about 70 students (all who are either native Spanish speakers or are just farther along in this fluency journey), a class that lasts for 2 hours, and assignments such as a presentation (remember those 70 native or fluent speakers? That'll be my audience).

Sorry if my parenthesis are annoying you, I just have so many of those extra thoughts (you know, qualifiers).

And here I was, walking up the hill to campus pondering my decision to take this class. I had previously been listening to this song by All Sons and Daughters called Brokenness Aside and these words Will your grace run out when I let you down? came out of the melody as though she was talking straight to me. 

Then these thoughts started churning: Even if I fail this class and it counts for nothing, I should be thankful for all that I will have learned. This experience is worth more than any "payment" in credits. Taking another linguistics course in the States to fulfill this requirement wouldn't be the end of the world...I could take another linguistics course. Cool. Okay, still don't want to fail.  But this is cool. Still want to do well though. But His love is unconditional. Even unconditional regarding my success. Completely unconditional.

^pretty much word for word (thought for thought?)

Now you may be able to see why I was reminded of this quote. Even if I fail, I'll be content if I'm failing in the right direction. And that being whatever way the Lord is glorified in this situation.

And the next song that came on shuffle? Lose my Soul, by Toby Mac. Throwback, I know. These lyrics, though:

May Your kingdom be what wakes us up and lays us down. 

Not my grades, not my dreams, not my fears...I want His kingdom to wake me up. 

It may feel unjust if I get nothing tangible in return for my work but it seems God can use any injustice for good. Jesus is in glory with scars.

Also, just a taste of this city's beauty and the joy it gives me before I go:

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